Organising clusters
The event is organised by 10 European clusters supporting innovation, cooperation and collaborations in topics related to smart cities and communities, and specially areas such as ICT, mobility, logistics, energy, automotive, transport, safety, security and environment:
- Italian Technology Cluster for Smart Communities, Italy
- Piemonte Region ICT Innovation Cluster (Polo ICT), Italy
- Clúster Digital de Catalunya, Spain
- Basque Mobility and Logistic Cluster, Spain
- Clustero, Romania
- ICT Cluster Bulgaria, Bulgaria
- Mobinov, Portugal
- Electric Vehicles Industrial Cluster, Bulgaria
- Cluster Energie und Umwelttechnik, Germany
- NextMove, France
- Cluster Mobility & Logistics, Germany
This event is organised in partnership with REMOBILISE and RECIPROCITY projects.
Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Anne Häner